Conversational AI ChatBots – An Answer to Your CX Woes

By BullEyes 5 Min Read

Artificial intelligence has permeated almost every industry from healthcare and banking to infrastructure. Contact centers too are not far behind in leveraging the potential capabilities of AI in advancing customer experience. One such solution is the AI-powered conversational bot platform.

While the importance of agents in contact centers cannot be overstated, it’s also true that most agents are equipped day in, and day out to handle repetitive customer queries that a bot is capable of handling. Plus being driven by AI technology, the chatbot can understand and respond to customer queries emphatically by analyzing interaction patterns and preferences. This would assure customers of a quality customer experience.

In this blog, we will discuss one such conversational bot from NovelVox and how it can transform your contact center’s operational efficiency.

InfiBot and the Dawn of an Automated Contact Center

A technologically capableConversational AI Chatbot can be the key to contact center transformation. Let’s understand how.

–      Keep Repetitive Tasks Out of Agent’s Way

Agents are mostly caught up with manual tasks and have to deal with repetitive queries daily. This restricts their availability to handle more complex and sophisticated queries that might require the agent’s expertise.

A technologically capable AI chatbot solution like Infibot solves the problem by adeptly resolving level 1 queries with ease. Further, in case the customer has a complex query the chat can be routed to the right agent. The routing takes place based on agent skills, language, and even customer sentiment, etc. This reduces the wait time for customers and also prevents the agents from overwhelm.

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How can Infibot benefit your industry?
1. Find end-to-end solutions for industry-optimized queries
2. Route complex queries to customer support executive
3. Integrate seamlessly with third-party business applications
4. Deliver quicker responses to queries with a unique chat flow as per requirements

–      Attract a Wider Customer Base with Omnichannel

Customers today have wider channel choices in front of them and they love to explore these options. Not only do customers want an agent’s presence across channels, but they also require the communication to be contextual.

A conversational AI bot can solve this issue with ease as it can be deployed on several platforms from social media, and messaging to voice and others. Equipped with all the background information of the customers (irrespective of the channel used) the chatbot can straightaway dive into giving the right solution to customers rather than asking them to narrate their issues from scratch, every time they switch between channels.

–      Impress Customers with Personalized CX 24/7

The number one marketing strategy for businesses is to be present where their customers are. Human agents, however, have their limitations, they cannot be present everywhere (channel-wise) every time. Automation is the answer to much of the struggle related to round-the-clock availability that a conversational AI bot brings with it.

Further, AI technology can help gain the context of customer communications, like preferred channels, interaction patterns, customer behavior, and requirements. This allows agents to get the kind of response that would impress them the most, bringing in the personalization factor in interactions. Based on this, the Infibot solution can also recommend the right products on the customer’s search history to promote better CX.

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Wrap Up

The upscaled adoption of AI solutions shows that the world is moving fast toward automation and intelligent services. Contact Centers need to be early movers in this scenario otherwise they might get trampled by businesses having the latest and best technology to their aid. AI-enabled chatbots can be the first step for contact centers wishing for such a transformation.

Choose NovelVox to be your partner in this venture towards technology adoption.

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