Best Facebook Toolkit You Should Try This Year

By Zain Liaquat 8 Min Read

In the realm of social media, Facebook still reigns supreme. It is still a key source of traffic. Social media for brand interaction among businesses all around the world, with over 2.3 million monthly active users, is a prime aspect of development. There are a plethora of solutions available for making the most of Facebook’s capabilities to benefit your business.

Without some technical assistance, it’s impossible for a single individual, or even a team, to get to know their audience, identify the material and methods they enjoy, and comprehend Facebook’s ever-changing algorithms. Aside from generating high-quality Facebook posts, you’ll want to get the most out of the site by utilizing the finest of the numerous tools available.


Best Facebook Toolkits To Try This Year

1. Likealyzer

As powered by Meltwater, LikeAlyzer is a toolkit for Facebook that delivers a detailed analysis of your Facebook page’s performance, as well as high-actionable advice for increasing branding services engagement. It is quite distinct from many other free tools, and the evaluation does not need you to provide any personal information.

Simply enter your page URL, and it will be produced instantly in a matter of seconds. The report is easy to read and gives you a clear picture of what is and isn’t working for your Facebook account. Furthermore, LikeAlyzer compares your page to those of “Similar Brands,” so you can get a sense of how much attention your rivals are giving their Facebook presence.

2. Facebook Power Editor

Facebook created this free marketing tool with experienced marketers in mind that manage numerous campaigns and advertisements in mind. This is for you if you’re unhappy with the restrictions of the regular Facebook Ads interface. You may easily create and replicate campaigns, ad packages, and advertisements with Power Editor. It enables you to edit all of your ad settings from a single window.

As a result, fine-tuning intricate aspects like copy variants, placement targeting, and conversion monitoring is a breeze. After you’ve finished creating all of your campaigns, you can go live with them all at once, and they’ll usually be approved within minutes. Overall, this is a painless approach that allows you to launch numerous new Facebook advertisements much faster than you can use Ad Manager.

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3. Drum Up

We all know how crucial it is to keep your Facebook wall updated with engaging and relevant material. However, really getting out and looking for share-worthy content may be a tremendous hassle. We all know how important it is to keep your Facebook page updated with interesting and timely content. Getting out and seeking shareable material, on the other hand, maybe a huge pain.

All you have to do to get started is submit a list of relevant keywords. The service searches the internet for news on these keywords and aggregates them into a content feed. You may produce your own unique posts in addition to the information recommended by the program, so you can use it to manage all of your Facebook shares.

4. Canva

This design tool comes in useful whenever you need to make a custom picture, which is something you’ll be doing a lot if you’re in charge of your company’s Facebook marketing efforts. Canva is really user-friendly. It has templates for Facebook page covers, posts, and app covers that are pre-sized.

After you’ve chosen your template, you may fill it with a number of design components by dragging and dropping them into place. Their online Design School has a plethora of courses and suggestions to assist users in creating more stunning pictures for content marketing and social media. You may always choose one of their pre-made layouts and change the wording to suit your needs.

5. Timeline Contest Manager

Contests are a wonderful way to increase interaction on your Facebook page, but putting one together on your own may be a headache. The Timeline Contest Manager in Agorapulse simplifies the procedure for you. It allows marketers to run an infinite number of competitions on their timelines, including quizzes, picture contests, and prizes.

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To begin, choose an existing post that promotes the contest you want to promote. Next, decide on the sort of contest you want to have. You’ll be asked to add the winning criteria, and the tool will scan the post to assist you in determining the winners.

6. Headline Analyzer

Marketers understand that the title of a post may make or break its success. We spend a lot of time and effort crafting eye-catching, engaging headlines for blog articles and ad text, so it would be foolish not to do the same for Facebook shares. The difficulty is that predicting which headlines would perform best for your target demographic may be difficult. Plug a prospective headline into this tool once you’ve come up with one.

It’ll give your headline an overall score, as well as a comprehensive analysis of its structure, character count, sentiment, and previews of how it’ll appear in email subject lines and ad text. The link offered in each area that gives suggestions, examples, and case studies is maybe the most useful element of this program.

Final Thoughts

Not many firms will require, or even desire, all of these tech tools. Tools won’t save you; they’ll only offer you an advantage. You should still double-check that your social media marketing services are strong and in sync with the rest of your brand’s social media strategies, assets, blog, content marketing, and website. A tool won’t have the impact you want if the plan isn’t in place.

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Author Bio:

This is Aryan, I am a professional SEO Expert & Write for us technology blog and submit a guest post on different platforms- Technoohub provides a good opportunity for content writers to submit guest posts on our website. We frequently highlight and tend to showcase guests.

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