Junior Accessory Dwelling Units: Uses and Benefits

By Oscarjack 6 Min Read

In recent years the popularity of secondary suites also known as ‘accessory dwelling units’ has risen since they can serve as a great option for multigenerational living and a source of additional passive income, While ADUs come in different types, Forms and utilization, There is also a variant known as a junior ADU. Here is a quick rundown of what they are and how you can use them.

What are Junior ADUs?


While local state laws differentiate between the actual definition behind junior ADUs they are generally considered to have a maximum size of 500 square feet. Furthermore, the junior ADU must be located within the existing premises of the primary residence also known as an SFR (single-family residence).

Moreover, the junior ADU may share an attached garage and either the SFR or the JADU should be occupied by the owner. In some states, SFRs are permitted to have one JADU and detached ADU in total, Since JADUs are dwelling units, they can be rented out legally and come with fewer utility separation requirements than conventional ADUs.

How to Use Junior Accessory Dwelling Units?

When it comes to the construction of ADUs and JADUs in general they can be designed in various ways such as converting an existing portion of an existing house or adding to the existing house, You can also convert an existing garage into an ADU or JADU or construct a new detached structure altogether.

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Here it is important to know that JADUs can serve to be an inexpensive way to create smaller and more affordable rental housing units, This can help property owners or homeowners to receive revenue streams while also increasing the availability of rental housing options within a county. Junior ADUs can also be used for big families that want to live together while keeping their privacy intact to some extent.

Benefits of Junior Accessory Dwelling Units

You can find various communities out there that support the construction and utilization of secondary suites. This can include supporting a diverse set of goals. Here are some of the most notable ones:

  • Secondary suites like ADUs and JADUs help in the creation of more affordable housing options as. They are typically easy to construct due to their small size. This can also result in an increase in available housing options while not requiring any additional land acquisition.
  • ADUs and JADUs are great options for enabling seniors to ‘age in place’. This means that families can look after their elders by keeping a close watch over them. This has also made secondary suites in the United States. As an extremely popular option backed by activists such as. The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) along with the support of other organizations
  • Multigenerational households are also considered a rarity that few have the privilege to experience offering a diverse culture where seniors. Young adults and other close relatives can all live together. While these people live on the same property. However, ADUs and JADUs make sure that their independence and privacy are still kept at a functional level.
  • Looking at the perspective of the seniors once again, ADUs and JADUs can offer a kind of arrangement that can improve their social life and receive care from family members.
  • When it comes to supporting mortgage payments or home maintenance expenses, ADUs and JADUs can provide a reliable rental income while also improving homeownership rates.
  • By building secondary suites such as ADUs and JADUs, you are able to create energy-efficient housing since they are small in size and are often attached units requiring fewer resources.
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Things To Ponder Beforehand

In the United States. Accessory dwelling units and their concerning zoning permissions, laws can vary widely depending upon the local state jurisdiction and municipality. In fact in some states when a shift to suburban development occurred, many municipalities banned ADUs through zoning regulations.

Perhaps one of the most pro-ADU states in the US is California. Government Code Sections 65852.150, 65852.2, and 65852.22 pertain to local regulations of accessory dwelling units. On January 1st 2020 the State of California passed the most lenient ADU laws in the county allowing not one. But two types of accessory units.

Final Word

To sum it all up. JADUs are a great option for homeowners who want to become landlords or support their growing family needs. Several local governments across the United States have enacted ordinances to not only permit it. But also promote the construction of accessory dwelling units. You have the insight needed to help you make an informed decision in the future.

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