Common Terminology Used in Probate Procedure of New South Wales, Australia

By Oscarjack 8 Min Read

Probate procedure, a maze of legal processes, documents, and terminology, can be daunting for many. It’s crucial, however.

to grasp the fundamental language of probate, particularly when dealing with the intricacy of probate processing time in New South Wales, Australia. In this article, we’ll explore the lexicon of probate, from the basic definitions to the more complex legal jargon.


Probate/Grant of Probate


At its core, probate is the official process through which a deceased person’s Will is proven in a court of law and accepted as a valid public document.

This process is integral to ensuring the lawful distribution of assets and the fulfilment of the deceased’s wishes.

Obtaining probate involves an application submitted to the Supreme Court. This meticulous process entails providing necessary documents, including the Will and a detailed inventory of assets and liabilities.




An executor is the individual tasked with administering the estate, managing the deceased’s affairs and distributing assets following the Will‘s instructions.

The duties of an executor include funeral arrangements, asset valuation, and debt settlement. 

Understanding these responsibilities is essential for effective estate administration.

The appointment of an executor can be stipulated in the deceased’s Will. In cases where no executor is named or willing to act, the court can appoint an administrator.




Recipients might come in many different forms, such as family members or nonprofit organizations. It’s critical to distinguish between main, contingent, and residual beneficiaries.

Recipients have expectation concerning the inheritance as well as legal rights. In order to ensure equitable and legal distribution, it is essential to comprehend these rights.




The testator is the individual who creates the Will, spelling out their wishes for asset distribution and other matters upon their passing.

Creating a legally valid Will involves specific requirements, such as testamentary capacity and the absence of undue influence. The testator must be of sound mind and legal age when creating a Will.

A Will can take various forms, including handwritten, printed, or electronic formats. Each has distinct requirements and implications. There are primary Wills, mutual Wills, and privileged Wills. The choice of the Will type can significantly impact the probate process. Proper execution and attestation of a Will are crucial to its validity.




When an individual dies without a valid Will, they are considered intestate. Intestacy can have significant consequences, affecting asset distribution and the involvement of the court. In such a situation, applying for probate in South Australia becomes lengthy. Most courts decide to distribute intestate assets according to a set hierarchy of family members, and understanding these rules is essential for anyone facing an intestate situation.


Letters of Administration


When no valid Will exists or the named executor is unavailable, letters of administration come into play. These grant legal authority to administer the estate.




A caveat is a legal notice that can be lodged by interested parties to prevent the grant of probate, thus stretching the probate processing time in NSW. Circumstances that might lead to lodging a caveat are disputes over the validity of the Will or concerns about the executor.


Residuary Estate


The residuary estate comprises assets not specifically bequeathed in the Will. Some wills contain contingencies and special provisions regarding the residuary estate.




In the complex world of probate, abatement refers to the reduction of the gifts or legacies left in a Will due to an insufficient estate to cover all the bequests. When the assets in the estate are insufficient to fulfil all the specified gifts, the law steps in to determine the order in which these gifts are to be reduced.




A bequest is a testamentary gift made in a Will. It can take the form of personal property, real estate, or money, which is left to a specified person or entity. Bequests are the tangible expressions of the deceased’s wishes.




To bequeath is to make a formal, usually written, declaration of the intention to give property or assets through a will. It’s the act of transferring one’s possessions to the designated beneficiaries, often involving a meticulously drafted legal document.


Declaration of Trust


An official document used to express a person’s desire for property for the betterment of someone else is a declaration of trust. This can be a crucial component of estate planning, making sure that the assets are handled appropriately and allocated in accordance with the grantor’s intentions.




Everything that a deceased person left behind, including assets and obligations, is referred to as their estate. Debts, investments, personal property, and real estate are all included in this. The probate procedure revolves around the proper administration and distribution of the estate.Estate




Estate planning goes beyond just wills. It’s the strategic and comprehensive process of organising your assets and financial affairs during your lifetime so that they are distributed according to your wishes upon your passing. It involves careful consideration of tax implications and legalities.




A person or organization that is legally required to behave in another’s best interests is known as a fiduciary. In the framework of administration of probate, trustees and executors frequently fulfill the role of fiduciaries, charged with overseeing and allocating assets in accordance with the decedent’s desires.


Tenancy in Common


When two or more people own property together, they have an undivided stake in the property, which is known as tenancy in common. If a co-owner dies, their estate will receive their portion of the property after the probate procedure.




A legal document known as a trust is one in which an individual (known as the grantee or the settler) trusts his or her possessions to a trustee, who will keep and administer them for the advantage of designated beneficiaries. Trusts are flexible instruments for tax efficiency, asset protection, and estate planning..




The person or organization in charge of overseeing the assets kept in a trust is known as a trustee. They must uphold the conditions of the trust and act in the beneficiaries’ best interests as required by law.

Recap of Key Terminology


The probate procedure in New South Wales, Australia, is a labyrinthine web of legal requirements and terminology. Understanding these terms and their significance is pivotal for effective estate administration.

When in doubt, consult with probate consultants, the professionals who can guide you through this intricate domain and offer a name you can trust.

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